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Tampa Criminal Defense Attorneys: What is Florida’s VINE Link Program?

Tampa criminal defense attorneys are often asked about what this program specifically means relating to the Florida Department of Corrections. Anyone who has visited the Florida Department of Corrections website and/or had any contact with them has heard this phrase, but may not be aware of what the program specifically entails.  In short, this program is intended to notify folks when an offender is relocated in any of the Florida State Prisons.  For example, if you are tracking John Doe, every time John Doe is moved, you will be immediately notified to the pod, location, and general vicinity of the location. This is obviously to notify potential victims and family members where the individual is being housed.  Further, you will be notified when the inmate is released.  We provided a link to the Department of Corrections website regarding it, here.

At Hackworth Law, we take pride in making sure if our clients are forced to go a Florida state prison, they are prepared as much as possible and we do everything possible to make their sentence is absolutely as short as possible.  Further, we work with our Clients’ families to ensure they are housed as close to the Tampa Bay area as possible, so they can continue to visit them as often as possible.  We have had great success working with the Department of Corrections in keeping our Clients close to their homes and families.  Further, we can also request folks be housed in certain facilities with specific programs or treatment options.

If you or someone you know has questions concerning Florida state prisons and/or a Tampa criminal defense matter, contact the Tampa criminal defense attorneys at Hackworth Law for a free case consultation. If you would like to contact one of our Tampa criminal defense attorneys immediately, please use the “Contact Us Now” tab in the upper right hand corner of our website. We appreciate you taking the time to check out our Tampa criminal defense blog and we look forward to working with you in the future.