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Bail Bond – What is Bail Bond?

 First and foremost, it is worth discussing what does a bail bond even mean. It is essentially the monetary amount to ensure your appearance. It is principally in place to ensure someone’s appearance at court appearances, including trial and/or sentencing. The bail bond amount is set by a judge.

Obviously, if you do not appear your bond will be revoked and a warrant issued for your arrest. This is discussed at greater length on our website.  It is also worth noting some counties, like Pinellas County, put specific notations on bond amounts, when individuals fail to appear in court.  For example, Pinellas County puts “13” at the end of the bond amount on a warrant to indicate someone failed to appear at court, like a bond amount of $513 or $5,013.

If you have any additional questions concerning bail bonds, bond hearing or getting a bail bond set in a case, contact the Tampa bond hearing attorneys of Hackworth Law. If you would like to contact one of our Tampa bond hearing attorneys immediately, either contact us through our “contact us now” tab in the upper right hand corner of our website or our chat box in the lower right hand corner of our website.  Our chat box is free and secure.  We look forward to working with you.

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