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The Brandon traffic ticket attorneys of Hackworth Law have literally handled thousands of traffic tickets and have developed a list of the top ten worst defenses ever uttered in traffic court.  The majority of these were heard in Hillsborough County by folks representing themselves on speeding tickets or other traffic tickets.  As you can imagine, if we have heard them, so have the judges that also handles these tickets daily.

10.       I was just keeping up with traffic.  – While this is likely factually correct, unfortunately, it isn’t a legal defense to a charge necessarily.

9.         I didn’t see the cop there.

8.         My car won’t even go that fast.

7.         The guy that put the tint on said it was legal…

6.         I know people that usually go faster than that…

5.         I was just rushing to the bathroom/hospital/court/etc.  –  This could potentially be a defense, just need medical and/or court documents supporting it.

4.         It is a known fact, you can go seven miles over without it really being speeding.  – While this urban legend is generally true, unfortunately a law enforcement officer can technically issue a ticket for 1 mile per hour over the posted speed limit.

3.         My speedometer was broken, I didn’t know how fast I was going.

2.         The music made me do it… (generally works better with fast paced music)

1.         Glad they didn’t catch me yesterday, I usually drive faster than that…

If you or someone you know has a traffic ticket, contact our office for a free consultation with one of our Brandon traffic ticket attorneys.  We have handled thousands of tickets like yours and have had great success in getting them dropped or reduced.  If you would like to contact one of our Brandon traffic ticket attorneys immediately, please use the “contact us now” tab in the upper right hand corner of our website.  Thank you for your time in checking out our Brandon traffic ticket attorneys blog.