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Orient Road Jail: What is a commissary account?

Jail Bars and Cuffs 2009_jpg_475x310_q85This a question posed by many individuals whose families fortunately have never dealt with someone incarcerated in Orient Road Jail, other County jails or state prison. In short, a commissary account is an account in which people from the outside or individuals in custody can put money to buy certain things above and beyond those provided by the county prison or state jail. For example, a commissary account can be used to buy sweets, envelopes to write home, stationery, pencils, deodorant, shampoo, extra food, etc. Many jails and state prisons has special websites now where family and friends of the accused can make payments over the Internet into their commissary account.  For example, individuals at Faulkenburg Road Jail or Orient Road Jail in Hillsborough County, Florida, are able to purchase items from cookies to stationary from these accounts.  For more information regarding Hillsborough County’s jails, we recommend visiting the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office website, we have provided a link for your convenience.  For information regarding Pinellas County and federal inmates being housed there, visit the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office website, which we have also provided a link for.

If you or someone you know is in custody and has questions concerning the jail or prison process, contact to the criminal attorneys of Hackworth Law for free case consultation. We look forward to working with you and working on getting your loved one out of Casillas soon as possible.