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Category Archives: Blog

Tampa Speeding Ticket Attorney -even worth hiring one?

Our Tampa Speeding Ticket Attorneys are often asked about how they can help someone, who got a Tampa speeding ticket.  Of all the questions that of ever been posed to Tampa traffic attorneys, this is by far the most common. We will answer this question in this blog article, like we have for years. This […]

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What is a deposition?

A deposition is a tool of discovery for Tampa trial attorneys to use during litigation. During a deposition, a deponent (the person being asked the questions) is placed under oath by the court reporter, or a notary if they’re appearing via telephone.  During the deposition, an attorney will ask the deponent multiple questions concerning the […]

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Brandon Defense Attorneys: Posting Bond

Brandon Defense Attorneys are often asked about the internal procedures and the timeline for the release of folks after bond has been posted from Hillsborough and Pinellas County Jails, but unfortunately our information is limited and based solely on our experience as Brandon Defense Attorneys. Generally, I tell individuals to expect it to take between four and eight hours for their loved ones to […]

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What is Florida’s Move Over Statute?

Many Tampa Traffic Ticket Attorneys are often asked about Florida’s Move Over Statute about emergency vehicles on the side of the road.   Florida Statute Section 316.126 specifically governs what Florida drivers are required to do when an emergency vehicle is either pulled over to the side of the road or traveling through the normal course […]

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What is a violation of a business purposes only or hardship license?

First and foremost, Tampa DUI attorneys most often discuss a business purposes only or hardship license after a DUI suspension. As you know, if you’ve been reading our blog elsewhere, these licenses are eligible to be used to drive essentially only to work, school, and church. These licenses are issued to individuals whose Florida driver’s […]

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Tampa Criminal Lawyers: Will I Go to Jail When I go to Court?

Many individuals that have never been charged with a criminal charge regularly ask the Tampa criminal lawyers of Hackworth Law whether they will go to jail when they go to court for their criminal case.  We often explain that if they are going to jail, they will know when they are because they will either […]

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Should I talk to the police about my case?

This is one of the most common questions posed to Tampa criminal attorneys. It seems as though it’s a natural inclination for people to want to tell their side of the story and talk to the police. Out of the thousands and thousands of criminal cases I’ve worked, I have never seen anyone ever talk […]

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Odessa Traffic Ticket Attorneys: But I was just keeping up with traffic…

Odessa Traffic Ticket Attorneys are often told by their clients they were simply keeping up with traffic.  More often than not, drivers assert this defense when her driving on either Interstate 275, Interstate 75 or Interstate 4 around the greater Tampa Bay area because the average speed is usually above the posted the speed limit.  Odessa Traffic […]

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Tampa Domestic Violence Attorneys – Why do I need one?

Tampa domestic violence attorneys are often explain the most obvious difference is in domestic battery is that the alleged victim has some sort of familial or otherwise relationship with the accused. Additionally, the overwhelming majority of judicial circuits in Florida have courts and prosecutors specifically assigned to prosecute domestic related batteries, especially misdemeanor charges.  This is […]

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Can I see the Field Sobriety Exercises, I completed?

Tampa driving under the influence attorneys are often asked about the specifics of the field sobriety exercises completed during a DUI arrest.   In short, generally yes, the field sobriety exercises, more commonly referred to as FSEs, are videoed by the overwhelming majority of law enforcement agencies in the greater Tampa area. The exercise will be […]

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