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Category Archives: Blog

Tampa Marijuana Attorneys: How much marijuana does it take to become a felony?

Tampa Marijuana Attorneys are often asked about the differences between misdemeanor and felony possession of marijuana. While marijuana is a seemingly innocuous and innocent drug according to the media and popular culture, it can carry lengthy prison sentences in Florida depending on the weight of the evidence. Unfortunately, many folks see the public battle over the […]

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How can they force me to do a DUI blood test during my DUI?

Many Tampa DUI attorneys are asked about how the State of Florida can forcefully make someone take a DUI blood test when under suspicion of driving under the influence.  Few areas of driving under the influence cases are so heavily litigated as issues concerning the forceful blood draws.   These DUI blood tests are extremely intrusive and […]

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Florida Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) Law

Florida Habitual Traffic Offenders often deal with being arrested for countless charges, most often driving while license suspended or revoked.  Florida Statute Section 322.264 is Florida’s Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) Law. Under this law, drivers who, within a five year period, accumulate either fifteen convictions for traffic moving offenses or three other qualifying offenses including manslaughter, DUI, failing […]

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Felony DUI – How many DUIs does it take to become a felony in Florida?

Many Tampa DUI attorneys are asked about how many driving under the influence charges it takes before they are charged as a felony by the State Attorney’s Office. Simply put, if you have three DUIs in ten years, the State Attorney’s Office has the option to charge it as a felony. The State Attorney’s Office […]

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What is a criminal disposition hearing?

Many Tampa criminal attorneys are asked by their clients about the regular criminal disposition hearings routinely set by the court and what is going to occur during the hearings. In short, they are simply placeholder hearings to ensure the case is proceeding forward. The court is primarily concerned with individuals sitting in jail during the pendency of […]

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What is a Violent Felony Offender of Special Concern in Florida?

Many Tampa criminal defense attorneys are often asked about questions concerning a Violent Felony Offender of Special Concern and what all this is designation entails.  Very few Florida Statutes are more difficult to comprehend that Florida’s “Anti-Murder Act”.    Ultimately, it is best known for creating the designation of “violent felony offender of special concern” or VFOSC. […]

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Do I get an evidentiary hearing on my 3.850 Motion?

Rule 3. 850 Motions are some of the most common motions filed in Florida criminal cases.  They are arguing that a criminal defendants prior counsel failed to effectively represent them in their criminal proceeding.  In short, you should. Many Tampa appeals attorneys feel as though you absolutely should always get an evidentiary hearing, unfortunately the […]

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What is dependency court in Florida?

Dependency court is one of the oddest, hybrid courts in Florida.  It is an odd hybrid court because it is essentially a combination of civil, family and it is somewhat criminal in nature as well.   Dependency court involves the State of Florida making allegations against a parent that their children should be deemed “dependent” and […]

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What does someone’s criminal score mean in a criminal case?

Many Tampa criminal defense attorneys are constantly asked by their clients about what someone’s criminal score is with regards to their Florida scoresheet. If you have checked out our Tampa criminal defense attorney blog, we discuss at length what all is involved in the calculation of a score. Our Tampa criminal defense attorney blog has ample […]

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Tampa Sex Crimes Attorney-fine on prostitution crimes?

As a Tampa sex crimes attorney, one of the most frustrating issues regularly faced is the fine amount on prostitution charges. Recently, the Florida Legislature added subsection (6) to Florida Statute 796.07, which added a $5,000 civil penalty to any sanction for a violation of the above-referenced Statute. Interestingly enough, the first $500 of the […]

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