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How can I get rid of this domestic violence injunction against me?

Individuals with domestic violence injunctions against them are always interested in trying to get them set aside, so they can possess firearms, have the injunction of their record, have contact with the other party, etc.  Our Tampa domestic violence injunction attorneys have extensive experience both defending, prosecuting and setting aside domestic violence injunctions.  Florida Statute Section 741.30 provides the statutory basis for domestic violence injunctions.

In order to set such an injunction aside, it is required to file appropriate motions and set them for a Tampa Restraining Order Attorneyhearing before the presiding judge.  Additionally, it is critical to provide the court some sort of basis to set is aside.  More often than not, the presiding judge will be willing to either set aside or modify the injunction depending on the specific circumstances of the case.  Many times, judges are more willing to modify an injunction, especially if there are no prior violations of the injunction.   Modifications can include shortening the duration of the injunction, modifying the protected locations, permitting communication through a third party concerning either a business or minor children, etc.  Our Tampa domestic violence injunction attorneys have extensive experience finding creative solutions towards modifying injunctions to assist our clients in these matters.

If you or someone you know has questions concerning either modifying or setting aside an injunction, contact the Tampa domestic violence injunction attorneys of Hackworth Law for a free case consultation.  We have extensive experience handling domestic violence injunctions, including filing for them, defending against them and moving to have them modified.  If you would like to contact one of our Tampa domestic violence injunction attorneys immediately, please use the “contact us now” tab in the upper right hand corner of our website.  We also have folks standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to connect you to one of our attorneys. We appreciate your time in checking out our Tampa domestic violence injunction attorney blog and look forward to working with you.