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Category Archives: Divorce

What are motions in limine?

Tampa trial attorneys are often asked specifically about is meant by a motion in limine. Motions in limine are often discussed prior to trial regarding ensuring either the inclusion or exclusion of evidentiary matters. For example, in a Tampa DUI case, a Tampa trial attorney will likely move to exclude testimony and arguments concerning horizontal […]

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Should I tell my Tampa drug attorneys everything?

Many clients are concerned about telling their Tampa drug attorneys the entire story, including the bad facts. Everyone wants to disclose all the good facts, but leave out the bad, potentially incriminating facts. Frankly, if you are not willing to tell your attorney everything, you are truly wasting your money retaining any attorney. Attorneys are […]

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What is dependency court in Florida?

Dependency court is one of the oddest, hybrid courts in Florida.  It is an odd hybrid court because it is essentially a combination of civil, family and it is somewhat criminal in nature as well.   Dependency court involves the State of Florida making allegations against a parent that their children should be deemed “dependent” and […]

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What are child support arrearages?

Many Tampa child support attorneys are asked about what the phrase “child support arrearages” actually means.  The term is constantly thrown around by parties dealing with child support and time sharing, but it is critical to understand what the term means before using it. First and foremost, child support arrearages are those monies, a party […]

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What is the rule of sequestration?

Tampa trial attorneys will routinely request the court “invoke the Rule” prior to a jury or non-jury trial beginning.  The rule of sequestration is more commonly known, ensures that witnesses do not discuss the facts of their cases and/or their testimony with other witnesses prior to their testimony at trial.  The rule of sequestration is applicable in all sorts […]

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Brandon Divorce Attorneys – Why is my Tampa divorce taking so long?

Many Brandon Divorce Attorneys are often asked frankly about why divorce cases take so long to conclude.  Unfortunately, there is no easy answer.  Divorces are somewhat unique in the sense that require two parties, who often want nothing to do with one another, to essentially work together to resolve complicated issues with one another.  We have […]

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What is a Motion for Temporary Support in my Tampa Divorce?

A Motion for Temporary Support is a critical tool to Tampa Divorce Attorneys during your divorce because it can provide short term economic assistance.  Tampa Divorce Attorneys are often presented with situations where unfortunately their clients are unable sustain themselves and pay their bills and/or pay for the necessary costs of a divorce while it […]

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Why do we have to mediate our Tampa family law case?

Tampa Bay area Family Court Judges require parties mediate their cases prior to being able to proceed to a final hearing.  This is extremely frustrating for the parties and their Tampa divorce attorney, but is unfortunately a requirement.  As I have told many individuals, mediation provides several significant benefits: It permits your Tampa Family Law […]

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What is a parenting plan?

A parenting plan provides the essential blueprint of how the parties are to interact with regards to the child, including means of communicating concerning the child, when the child can be contacted, how medical and extracurricular activities are to be split, how transportation costs are to be split, where the parents are to meet during […]

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