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Category Archives: Divorce

Divorce Attorney in Tampa, FL

What Does a Divorce Attorney Do?

When dealing with any legal situation, it is always good to consult with an attorney to take advantage of their knowledge and experience. So, what exactly does a divorce attorney in Tampa do when you reach out to one? The simplest way to put it is that your attorney is dedicated to protecting your rights […]

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contested divorce in tampa fl

What Happens in a Contested Divorce

A divorce can be a very emotional time for everyone involved. This can make it difficult for both parties to see eye-to-eye when it comes time to divide marital property, debt, and child custody, among other issues. When this happens, a divorce is considered “contested.” A contested divorce in Tampa takes a lot more time […]

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client meeting with divorce attorney

Questions to Ask Your Divorce Lawyer

Going through a divorce is stressful, and as you prepare to meet with a divorce attorney in Tampa, FL, it is not unusual to experience uncertainty about that meeting for the first time. Here are some key questions you can ask during your first meeting with your divorce attorney to learn what to expect during […]

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woman with question marks above her head

Can Your Alimony Be Increased?

When alimony payments are decided, the goal is to provide adequate support to the recipient as they work to become financially independent. However, the amount initially agreed upon may turn out to be insufficient. You should speak with a family law attorney in Tampa if any of the following apply to your circumstances: Your Income […]

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stack of money under a gavel

Circumstances for Reducing Alimony Payments

The idea behind alimony is simple: if one spouse sacrificed their earning potential to benefit the other during marriage, then after marriage they should be compensated for it to maintain a similar lifestyle. Calculating alimony can be a stressful part of divorce proceedings, and the financial burden may weigh on you for years after the […]

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woman typing on a calculator

Handling Debt During a Divorce

Your marriage has ended, and now you are waiting for the final dispensation. Although you no longer have a spouse, you have financial responsibilities. Whether or not you have joint accounts, the credit card and household bills continue arriving. You could find yourself sinking under the weight of your debt load unless you are careful. […]

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