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Category Archives: Blog

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Can Your Alimony Be Increased?

When alimony payments are decided, the goal is to provide adequate support to the recipient as they work to become financially independent. However, the amount initially agreed upon may turn out to be insufficient. You should speak with a family law attorney in Tampa if any of the following apply to your circumstances: Your Income […]

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Circumstances for Reducing Alimony Payments

The idea behind alimony is simple: if one spouse sacrificed their earning potential to benefit the other during marriage, then after marriage they should be compensated for it to maintain a similar lifestyle. Calculating alimony can be a stressful part of divorce proceedings, and the financial burden may weigh on you for years after the […]

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truck accident

Was Your Accident Caused By A Negligent Trucking Company?

Accidents involving semi-trucks are perilous and potentially fatal. The primary causes of truck accidents are negligent driving, unqualified drivers, inadequate vehicle maintenance, and other mostly avoidable scenarios. If your accident was caused by a trucking company’s negligence, contact our personal injury law firm in Hillsborough County, FL. We’ll fight to get you the compensation you […]

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Handling Debt During a Divorce

Your marriage has ended, and now you are waiting for the final dispensation. Although you no longer have a spouse, you have financial responsibilities. Whether or not you have joint accounts, the credit card and household bills continue arriving. You could find yourself sinking under the weight of your debt load unless you are careful. […]

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Dealing with Joint Finances After a Divorce

Going through a divorce is difficult for both parties. The dissolution of a marriage often involves a range of emotions, from anger to sadness. Because divorce is the severing of a contract, it also has a financial aspect. People who end a marriage in a community property state have to divide assets evenly. However, what […]

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How to Identify a Wrongful Death

Days can pass uneventfully, but then suddenly your life changes in a matter of minutes. A car runs a red light and crashes into another vehicle. High winds cause a construction crane to fall onto a sidewalk. A doctor prescribes medication that kills a patient. These are just some examples of wrongful death, but there […]

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The Benefits of Choosing an Uncontested Divorce

Divorce is essentially an adversarial process. Even when both parties desire the termination of their marriage, there can still be a lot of hard feelings surrounding the situations that led them to their final decision to separate. That said, most divorces do end up being uncontested – likely due to a number of advantages of […]

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