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Tag Archives: Sentencing

Is It Even Worth Getting an Attorney?

This is one of the more common questions posed to criminal defense attorneys such as the St. Petersburg Criminal Defense Attorneys at Hackworth Law, P.A. Many individuals debate whether it’s even worth getting an attorney or whether they should just attempt to defend themselves alone in a criminal court or with the assistance of a public […]

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Felon in Possession of a Firearm -Is there a minimum mandatory?

Tampa criminal lawyers are often asked about felon in possession charges and their minimum mandatory sentences.   In shorty, there is a minimum mandatory sentence on a felon in possession of a firearm charge in actual possession cases. First, it is prudent to discuss specifically what a felon in possession of a firearm entails. It involves […]

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What are the penalties for DUI in Florida?

Florida Statute Section 316.193 offers the penalties for DUI.  Tampa DUI attorneys are often asked about what sort of penalties folks can expect in their Tampa DUI case.  We have broken down what you can expect on your DUI based on the number of the DUI. First DUI Fine – Minimum of $500 – Maximum […]

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Can the State of Florida prove the VOP?

Tampa violation of probation attorneys are often asked about whether the State Attorney’s Office can prove the VOP or violation of probation. Many individuals are challenged and frustrated by the fact that the State of Florida has such a low burden in proving violation of probation matters. The specific burden in these specific cases is […]

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My Tampa DUI Attorneys told me I need to go to DUI School, what is it?

As we have discussed elsewhere on our Tampa DUI Attorney blog, many Tampa DUI attorneys advise their clients complete DUI school quickly.  Many individuals frankly wonder what they can expect during DUI school and what all it will entail.  As a Tampa DUI Attorney, my Clients have attended many of the local Tampa DUI Schools, […]

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Brandon Drug Attorneys: What is My Judge Like?

The overwhelming majority of individuals charged with a criminal offense in Florida always ask the Brandon drug attorneys of Hackworth Law about the specifics of their judge.  Frankly unless the case goes to trial, your judge will have very little impact on your case since the plea will be an agreement between the parties, rather than […]

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What does my Florida Scoresheet mean?

Many people charged with a crime have many questions to their Tampa criminal lawyers questions about what their Florida Scoresheet means and how the totals are calculated.  By way of background, Florida utilizes a complex scoring system to calculate the minimum/bottom available sentence, while the maximum sentence is the statutory maximum related solely to the […]

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What is restitution in a criminal case?

Tampa criminal lawyers are often asked about why individuals are forced to pay restitution in their Florida criminal case.   In short, Florida law has authorized State Attorney’s Offices to seek restitution in an attempt to make the victims of crime “whole” again after the incident.  Restitution raises a whole host of issues though, that an […]

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What are the levels of felonies in Florida?

Tampa criminal lawyers are often asked about the maximum sentences under the varying levels of felonies in Florida.  Florida defines felonies as those crimes that have a maximum sentence of over one (1) year in prison, while misdemeanors have a maximum sentence of under one (1) year in county jail. Florida Statute Section 775.082 provides the specific […]

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What are the civil implications of a petit theft?

Tampa criminal attorneys are often asked about the collateral consequences of a theft conviction.  While many individuals will quickly plea guilty to a theft charge to get out of custody or “to get it over as soon as possible.”  There are several long lasting implications of a theft conviction, we will discuss several of them […]

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