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Author Archives: Website Admin

What is a Violation of Probation (VOP)?

The State Dropped My Criminal Charge, Can I Be Charged with Violation of Probation? What is a Violation of Probation (VOP)? This is arguably the most common question posed to the violation of probation attorneys of Hackworth Law. The scenario generally proceeds as follows: An individual is placed on probation and charged with a new […]

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What is Misdemeanor Probation? What is felony probation?

Often time for many people unfamiliar with the criminal justice system have heard the term “probation” before, but are totally unaware of what it exactly means. First and foremost, probation is very difficult. It requires one to have a very flexible work schedule, free time to complete classes, community services and regular court appearances and […]

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Valrico Criminal Defense Attorneys – How is Bail Set?

What is the process of bail? Valrico criminal defense attorneys are often asked about how bail/bond is set in a criminal case.  First, it is worth mentioning and discussing what exact purpose a bail bond serves. Bail bonds are only intended to ensure your continued appearance at court proceedings.  The Court is relying on the […]

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Bail Bond – What is Bail Bond?

 First and foremost, it is worth discussing what does a bail bond even mean. It is essentially the monetary amount to ensure your appearance. It is principally in place to ensure someone’s appearance at court appearances, including trial and/or sentencing. The bail bond amount is set by a judge. Obviously, if you do not appear […]

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Injuctions – What is a Preliminary Hearing for Injunction?

  Tampa injunction attorneys are often asked about what their clients can expect at a preliminary hearing injunction.  Florida Statute Section 741.30 is the Florida Statute relating to the specifics of domestic violence injunction.  Both the Petitioner (person that filed the injunction) and the Respondent (person the injunction is filed against) will present evidence at […]

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Expungement of Criminal Records – How do I get my record expunged?

I want an Expungement of my Criminal Record, What Should I do?  Expungements are important because they clear records assisting folks in seeking employment, passing background checks, developing and maintaining future relationships and other activities of that nature. The Clearwater expungement attorneys of Hackworth Law are experienced in providing expungement services to our clients. Additionally, we […]

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Equitable Distribution: I Am Getting Divorced, What Happens to My Stuff?

During a divorce, one of the most difficult issues to resolve is equitable distribution. Basically, it is very difficult to determine who gets what. Fortunately in Florida, the Legislature has provided us a model or standard to determine the proper division of assets and liabilities ultimately. This division of property in a divorce is known as […]

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The Police Lied During My Arrest, What Can I Do?

If the you believe that the “police lied during my arrest” or misstated facts about the circumstances of your arrest, you need to quickly retain a criminal defense attorney to begin interviewing witnesses and collecting evidence to assist in the case before it is lost or destroyed.  Unfortunately, this issue has become so prevalent that even major […]

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Types of Injunctive Relief: Temporary, Preliminary and Permanent Injunctions

There are many forms of injunctive relief available in Florida.  An injunction is a court order telling someone to do something or preventing someone from doing something. Injunctions can be found in Florida Statute Section 741.30. There are 3 types of injunctions: temporary, preliminary, and permanent. There are 4 kinds of civil injunction petitions that can […]

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How can I stop the harassment from my ex?

In cases where domestic violence is taking place, a court may issue an injunction preventing a spouse from having contact with another spouse. An injunction is a court order that requires a party to do something or refrain from doing something. Injunctions are generally the most reliable and power means to stop your issue of stopping harassment from my […]

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