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Category Archives: Blog

Tampa Divorce Lawyer: Katharine McPhee, Husband To Divorce

  Last week, actress Katharine McPhee announced that she had filed for divorce from Nick Cokas, her husband of six years. Tampa residents may remember that last year, McPhee (who first achieved fame on “American Idol”) was photographed kissing Michael Morris, who directed her in the now-defunct NBC show “Smash.” Morris is married to actress […]

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What is a proffer? Criminal Defense term defined.

A proffer has two separate meanings depending on its context. The meaning differs on whether it is used in a trial or evidentiary hearing setting or a criminal matter, either in the Federal or State system. First, if the term is used regarding a trial or evidentiary hearing setting, it is referring to an attorney […]

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Why can the State Attorney’s Office require me to provide fingerprints and/or DNA?

Yes, the State Attorney’s Office can compel a DNA sample, by using a cotton swab to swipe the inside of a defendant’s mouth, or a fingerprint, by literally “rolling the prints in the actual courthouse”. Many times this is difficult to explain as a Tampa criminal defense attorney to our clients based on their perception […]

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How can the State use my refusal against me in my Tampa DUI?

Many Tampa DUI attorneys are asked by their clients about the actual effects of their refusal in their Tampa DUI case. As we have discussed elsewhere on our Tampa DUI attorney blog, a “refusal” occurs when someone is given the chance to take a breath test and they refuse to do so. Aside from the […]

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Will the jury see the video of me from the night of my Tampa DUI?

Yes, the video of you pre-arrest, arrest and at central breath testing will be view by the jury during your Tampa DUI trial. Generally, it is one of the first pieces of evidence introduced by the State Attorney’s Office during a DUI trial. If the State isn’t admitting it, then it must be extremely beneficial […]

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What are motions in limine?

Tampa trial attorneys are often asked specifically about is meant by a motion in limine. Motions in limine are often discussed prior to trial regarding ensuring either the inclusion or exclusion of evidentiary matters. For example, in a Tampa DUI case, a Tampa trial attorney will likely move to exclude testimony and arguments concerning horizontal […]

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Upcoming DUI Checkpoints in Tampa, FL for June 2014

With summer finally coming along, DUI enforcement teams are certainly going to step up their patrols in our area. Tampa DUI Attorneys are often asked about the specifics of DUI checkpoints. These checkpoints lead to many DUI arrests throughout the greater Tampa Bay Area. Florida has very severe penalties for those convicted of DUI, Florida […]

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