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Category Archives: Divorce

Brandon Divorce Attorneys: I have heard countless stories of nightmare divorces, how can I have a “peaceful” divorce?

Our Brandon Divorce Attorneys have handled very difficult divorce cases, involving high conflict couples and worked with other couples, who were able to quickly resolve their case. Anyone has read any sort of news articles or seen any sort of television interviews concerning divorce law in the last 10 years have heard about the nightmare […]

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Working with Your Tampa Divorce Attorney to Prove a Marriage is Irretrievably Broken

When you know that your marriage is irretrievably broken, hiring a Tampa divorce attorney is going to be essential because you still need to prove your marriage has fallen apart. However, it’s much easier to prove now than it was before the early 1970s when Florida required more proof so a divorce could be granted. […]

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Florida Alimony: What are the types of alimony in Florida?

Our Florida Alimony Attorneys are often asked about the specific types of Florida alimony that are available for parties to seek during their divorce. Further, question concerning alimony have only risen after the Florida legislature attempted to eliminate permanent alimony last year. Anyone that was following news of the bill noticed that Governor Rick Scott […]

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Child time sharing: At what age can a child in Florida choose which parent to live with?

When is my child old enough to decide which parent to live with? This is a question we hear often from divorcing or already-divorced parents. Sometimes a noncustodial parent wants their child to live with them rather than the current custodial parent, or sometimes a child asks to move from the home of one parent […]

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A Tampa Divorce Attorney who can Help You Pass Divorce Finance 101

If you are starting divorce proceedings and want to hire a divorce attorney, remember the two of you become a team. The lawyer you hire must trust that you have represented yourself and the details of your marriage honestly, and you must trust that he or she will ask the right questions and make the right moves to represent you. […]

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Child Time Sharing and Relocating: How Do You Handle Your Spouse Moving Farther Away?

Child time sharing is already complicated, though once it’s worked out after a divorce, both parents are typically required to live within a reasonable distance from one another. This enables the child to visit each parent without having to travel a long distance every few days or weeks. But, occasionally, one of the parents may […]

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Working with a Tampa Divorce Attorney to Modify Visitation Rights

A Tampa divorce attorney is going to be very important if you and your spouse are planning to file for divorce soon. And when children are involved, it automatically becomes more complicated unless you’re lucky enough where everyone in the family agrees on everything. This is usually rare, though. There may even be reasoning between […]

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Tampa Divorce Attorney: Florida Records First ‘Divorce Selfie’ – Keith Hinson and Michelle Knight

Florida might have the distinction of being the first state where two former spouses took a “divorce selfie.”  Our Tampa Divorce Attorneys discuss this important moment in divorce history. When Florida couple Keith Hinson and Michelle Knight finalized their divorce, they snapped a photo of themselves smiling and holding some official paperwork. “We’re officially un-married,” Knight […]

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Tampa Divorce Attorney: Bruce And Kris Jenner Move Toward Divorce — Surprise! — Calmly And Civilly

Florida residents know Bruce and Kris Jenner as the leaders of reality TV’s Kardashian clan, pop culture’s most famous-because-they’re-famous family. Recently, the two announced that after 23 years of marriage, they planned to divorce. Now, given that they’re among the stars of a reality TV program, you would think the divorce would be a roller […]

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