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Search Results for: family law

Can my friends and family attend mediation with me?

No, they cannot.  As we discuss elsewhere on our Tampa Family Law Attorney blog, mediation is required in all Tampa Family Law matters regardless of whether it is a divorce matter, post judgment issue or paternity case.   There are two types of mediation – public, through a mediator at the courthouse, and private, through a […]

Ruskin Divorce Attorneys: Is common law marriage legal in Florida?

Ruskin Divorce Attorneys are often asked about common law marriage because so many other states recognize common law marriage, yet folks read about Florida’s abolishment of this legal theory. In short, common law marriages occur when couples reside together for a certain, delineated time period and present themselves to the outside world as married couples. […]

Tampa Divorce Lawyer: Katharine McPhee, Husband To Divorce

  Last week, actress Katharine McPhee announced that she had filed for divorce from Nick Cokas, her husband of six years. Tampa residents may remember that last year, McPhee (who first achieved fame on “American Idol”) was photographed kissing Michael Morris, who directed her in the now-defunct NBC show “Smash.” Morris is married to actress […]

Can I visit my family at Falkenburg Road Jail or Orient Road Jail?

Many Tampa criminal defense attorneys are asked about folks being able to visit their family and friends in the Falkenburg Road Jail or Orient Road Jail.  Unfortunately, their visits are limited to telephone calls and video visits through a secure facility at Falkenburg Road Jail.  It is important to note though these video visits must […]

How much does a Tampa divorce lawyer cost?

Tampa divorce lawyers are often asked about their fees.  Obviously, this is a very important factor for many individuals going through a divorce.  Divorces literally change someone’s financial situation indefinitely and it is important to consider this when retaining the services of a Tampa divorce lawyer.  As I have told countless potential clients, it doesn’t […]

Tampa Child Custody Lawyers: I want sole custody, can I get it?

This is a growing trend presented to Tampa Child Custody Lawyers as parents grow further and further apart through family law disputes.  In order to get sole custody of a child, the party seeking full custody must show, through some evidence, that the other party is in some way a detriment to the child.  For […]

Car Accident Lawyer in Tampa

Sadly, thousands of individuals in our area are affected by car accidents. When you are involved in an auto accident, you should not wait to hire a car accident lawyer in Tampa. Our Tampa attorneys will fight on your behalf. Your life will be directly impacted when you are involved in a car accident, whether […]

Child Support & Family Attorney in Tampa

How much will they have to pay? Florida courts have determined that both parents are obligated to support their children. This obligation does not extend to stepchildren, only biological children. Going through a divorce is overwhelming for the entire family, but the attorneys at Hackworth Law are here to assist you through this challenging process. […]

Experienced Divorce Lawyer in Tampa

Our Tampa Divorce Attorneys will aggressively represent you in your divorce to protect you and your children’s rights and futures. The following are common questions posed by individuals during their cases, answered by our Tampa divorce lawyer. Who gets the kids? Florida Courts focus solely on what is in the best interest of the children […]

DUI Lawyer in Tampa

In Florida, many innocent people are charged with DUI over other types of crimes. Often law enforcement is quick to assume the worst of the situation. As a DUI lawyer in Tampa, we give you the benefit of the doubt, so you can provide your explanation of your innocence. Whether you were under the legal […]