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Category Archives: Blog

Working with Your Tampa Divorce Attorney to Prove a Marriage is Irretrievably Broken

When you know that your marriage is irretrievably broken, hiring a Tampa divorce attorney is going to be essential because you still need to prove your marriage has fallen apart. However, it’s much easier to prove now than it was before the early 1970s when Florida required more proof so a divorce could be granted. […]

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Florida Alimony: What are the types of alimony in Florida?

Our Florida Alimony Attorneys are often asked about the specific types of Florida alimony that are available for parties to seek during their divorce. Further, question concerning alimony have only risen after the Florida legislature attempted to eliminate permanent alimony last year. Anyone that was following news of the bill noticed that Governor Rick Scott […]

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What is Florida’s VINE Link Program?

Tampa criminal defense attorneys are often asked about what this program specifically means relating to the Florida Department of Corrections. Anyone who has visited the Florida Department of Corrections website and/or had any contact with them has heard this phrase, but may not be aware of what the program specifically entails. In short, this program […]

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Tampa Florida Criminal Defense Attorney: What is a plea colloquy?

Tampa criminal defense attorneys are often asked by their clients about what to expect when they enter a plea to their criminal charges. The questions asked and posed to the accused by the presiding judge are referred to as the plea colloquy. Depending on the courtroom, jurisdiction, and other unique facts of the case, the […]

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Tampa Traffic Attorneys: What is a violation of right of way ticket in Florida?

Tampa traffic attorneys are often asked what specifically constitutes a violation of right of way. Florida Statute Section 316.123 provides the specific statutory and legal definition of what is actually a violation of right of way is in Florida, but the easiest way to think of it is essentially it’s running a stop sign or […]

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Car Accident Attorney Tampa: does the gap in my treatment affect my case?

Many Car Accident Attorneys Tampa are asked about this question, when their clients fail to properly rehabilitate or treat with their physicians and miss appointments. This occurs in one or two ways–a client may fail to follow through with the treatment recommendations of their physicians, such as, failing to seek an MRI/EKG/EEG, or a client […]

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Child time sharing: At what age can a child in Florida choose which parent to live with?

When is my child old enough to decide which parent to live with? This is a question we hear often from divorcing or already-divorced parents. Sometimes a noncustodial parent wants their child to live with them rather than the current custodial parent, or sometimes a child asks to move from the home of one parent […]

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If I am non-compliant in drug court, should I even go to court?

Tampa drug offense attorneys are often asked about whether it’s even worth going to drug court if their client knows they are going to get taken into custody by the Court. In short, yes, we always recommend folks go to court because it shows the court that you are at least attempting to work with […]

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Tampa Car Wreck Attorney: Why did the insurance company make a quick offer on my case?

Any Tampa Car Wreck Attorney attorney will tell you that insurance companies will do anything possible to pay as little as possible in car accident cases. Frankly, insurance companies make quick settlement offers, like they probably did in your case, to avoid the injured from getting an attorney and getting the money you deserve and […]

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Tampa Speeding Ticket Attorney: Are lasers accurate for detecting speed?

Tampa Speeding Ticket Attorney are often asked about laser readings because many folks are frankly unfamiliar with lasers being used to identify the speeds of cars.  Everyone knows about lasers being used in the medical and entertainment fields, but their use in detecting speeds of cars is somewhat foreign to most folks.  Most people are […]

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